

She is professor at the International Hellenic University (IHU), Dept. of Early Childhood Care & Education, and is currently Dean of the School of Social Sciences at International Hellenic University (IHU), Thessaloniki, Greece. She has over 20 years of teaching experience in undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes in various Universities (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hellenic Open University, University of Thessaly, Democritus University of Thrace, among others). Her research interest has focused on: (a) professional development of early childhood educators, (b) evaluation of the quality of early childhood education, (c) implementation of physical education programs for preschoolers and their effects on children’s development, and (d) creativity in teaching and the creative child. She has published over 65 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, while the citations to her work are over 1.900. She has coordinated, supported and participated in research projects, especially in European funded projects and projects co-financed from the European Union – European Social Fund (Operational Programme «Education and Lifelong Learning»). She has organized training seminars and workshops for early educators in various European countries and she has been invited speaker to many international conferences.

Διδασκόμενα Μαθήματα

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Μεταπτυχιακά Μαθήματα

  • “Φυσική Αγωγή στη Νηπιακή Ηλικία”, στην κατεύθυνση “Σχολική Φυσική Αγωγή”, του Διατμηματικού Μεταπτυχιακού Προγράμματος “Αθλητική Απόδοση & Υγεία”, των Τμημάτων Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής & Αθλητισμού των: Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσ/νίκης, Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας και Δημοκριτείου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης.
  • “Μουσική και Ρυθμός στη Φυσική Αγωγή” στο Διατμηματικό Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα “Άσκηση και Ποιότητα Ζωής”, των Τμημάτων Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής & Αθλητισμού των: Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας και Δημοκριτείου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης.

Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα

  • Επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη παιδαγωγών προσχολικής αγωγής.
  • Μελέτη της εφαρμογής παρεμβατικών προγραμμάτων φυσικής αγωγής σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας και η επίδραση τους στην ανάπτυξη των παιδιών.
  • Δημιουργικότητα στην διδασκαλία και το δημιουργικό παιδί.
  • Αξιολόγηση της ποιότητας της παρεχόμενης προσχολικής αγωγής.


  • Grammatikopoulos, V, Gregoriadis, A., Tsigilis, . & Zahopoulou, E. (2017). Evaluating quality in early childhood education in relation with children outcomes in Greek context. Early Child Development and Care . DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2017.1289192
  • Kouli, O., Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A. & Zachopoulou, E. (2015). Measuring the quality of Movement-Play Scale in Greek Early Childhood Education settings. Journal of Physical Activity, Nutrition and Rehabilitation, PANR e-ISSN: 2421-78241, 1 – 13.
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A., Tsigilis, N. & Zachopoulou, E. (2014). Parental conceptions of quality in Greek early childhood education. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 22 (1), 134 – 148.
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A. & Zachopoulou, E. (2013). Evaluating an early childhood educators’ training in six European countries. The International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning, 2, 15 – 21.
  • Gregoriadis, A., Grammatikopoulos, V. & Zachopoulou, E. (2013). Evaluating Preschoolers’ Social Skills: The Impact of a Physical Education Program from the Parents’ Perspective. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3 (10), 40 – 51.
  • Tsangaridou, Ν., Zachopoulou, Ε., Liukkonen, J., Gråstén, A. & Kokkonen, M. (2013). Developing Preschoolers’ Social Skills through Cross-Cultural Physical Education Intervention. Early Child Development and Care, DOI: 10.1080/03004430.2013.865616.
  • Natsiopoulou, T., Vidali-Laloumi, E., Zachopoulou, E., Trevlas, E. & Research Group of Archimedes Project (2010). Αn Innovative Preschool Health Education Program. Health Science Journal, 4 (2), 110-117,
  • Zachopoulou, Ε., Makri, Α. & Pollatou, Ε. (2009). Evaluation of children’s creativity: Psychometric properties of the Torrance’s test “Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement”. Early Child development and Care, 179(3), 317-328.
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Konstantinidou, E., Tsigilis, N., Zachopoulou, E., Tsangaridou, N & Liukkonen, J. (2008). Evaluating preschool children knowledge about healthy lifestyle: Preliminary examination of the healthy lifestyle evaluation instrument. Educational Research & Review, 3 (11), 351- 352.
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Zachopoulou, E., Tsangaridou, N., Liukkonen, J. & Pickup, I. (2008). Applying a mixed method design to evaluate training seminars within an early childhood education project. Evaluation & Research in Education, 21 (1), 4-17.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Trevlas, E., Konstadinidou, E. & Archimedes Project Research Group (2006). The design and implementation of a physical education program to promote children’s creativity in the early years. International Journal of Early Years Education, 14 (3), 279-294.
  • Likesas, G. & Zachopoulou, E. (2006). Music and movement education as a form of motivation in teaching greek traditional dances. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 102, 552-562.
  • Deli, E., Bakle, I. & Zachopoulou, E. (2006). Implementing intervention movement programs for kindergarten children, Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4(1), 5-18.
  • Zachopoulou, E. & Makri, A. (2005). A developmental perspective of divergent movement ability in early young children, Early Child development and Care, 175 (1), 85-95.
  • Vernadakis, N., Avgerinos, A., Tsitskari, E. & Zachopoulou, E. (2005). The use of the computer assisted instruction in preschool education: Making teaching meaningful. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33 (2), 99-104.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Tsapakidou, A. & Derri, V. (2004) The effect of a developmentally appropriate music and movement program on motor performance. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 631-642.


  • Zachopoulou, E., Gregoriadis, A., Grammatikopoulos, V. & Tsigilis, N. (2015). Evaluating Children’s Motor Creativity in the Greek Early Childhood Education System. Second 21st Century Academic Forum – Conference at Harvard, Boston, MA, USA, March 8-10.
  • Gregoriadis, A., Zachopoulou, E. & Grammatikopoulos, V. (2015). Using ECERS-R to examine the quality of Greek ECE environments: Results from Early-Q THALES project. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus, August 25-29.
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A., Zachopoulou, E. & Behring, E. (2015). Examining the Relation between Greek Early Childhood Education Quality and Young Children’s Mathematical Competence. Second 21st Century Academic Forum – Conference at Harvard, Boston, MA, USA, March 8-10.
  • Gregoriadis, A., Zachopoulou, E. & Glueer, M. (2015). Examining the association between classroom-level interactions and the quality of teacher-child relationships. 25th EECERA Conference (European Early Childhood Education Research Association), Barcelona, Spain, September 7-10.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Kouli, O. & Tsigilis, N. (2014). Using “Movement-Play” scale in early childhood education in Greece. 24th EECERA Conference (European Early Childhood Education Research Association), Crete, Greece, September 7-10.
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Zachopoulou, E., Glueer, M. & Bhering, E. (2014). The Early-Q project training in the Environment Rating Scales. BERA (British Educational Research Association) Annual Conference 2014, London, UK, September 23 – 25.
  • Gregoriadis, A. Zachopoulou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V. (2013). Early Change: Promoting the Professional Development of Early Childhood Educators. LINQ 2013: Learning Innovations and Quality – The Future of Digital Resources, Rome, Italy, May 16 – 18.
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A., Zachopoulou, E. (2013). Evaluation of educators’ professional development: Implementation of the four-level model approach. 1st International Symposium: Education and Teacher Education Worldwide – Current reforms, problems and challenges, Rethimno, Grete, Greece, May 28 – 30.
  • Pessanha, M., Barros, S., Zachopoulou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A., Leal, T. & Gamelas, A.M. (2013). Promoting the Professsional Development of Early Childhood Educators: preliminary results. 1st Joaquim Bairrao Symposium ‘Transatlantic Trends in Childhood Intervention’, Porto, Portugal, July 8 – 9.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A., Gamelas, A.M., Leal, T., Pessanha, M., Barros, S., Liukkonen, J., Loizou, E., Henriksen, C., Sanders Olesen, L., Ciolan, L. (2013). Comparing aspects of the process quality in six European early childhood educational settings. 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain, November 18-20.
  • A. Gregoriadis, V. Grammatikopoulous, E. Zachopoulos, A. Gamelas, T. Leal, M. Pessanha, S. Barros, C. Henriksen, L. Olesen, L. Liukkonen, J. Loizou, L. Ciolan (2013). Early Change Project: Examining the quality of program structure and activities from six European countries. International Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale Annual Meeting 2013, Porto, Portugal, October 14 – 15.
  • Gregoriadis, A., Loizou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V. & Zachopoulou, E. (2012). Comparing Early Childhood Education Systems in Six European Countries. 22nd EECERA Conference (European Early Childhood Education Research Association, Porto, Portugal, August 29 – September 1.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V. & Gregoriadis, A. (2012), ‘Early Change’ Project: Promoting the Professional Development of Early Childhood Educators. 22nd EECERA Conference (European Early Childhood Education Research Association, Porto, Portugal, August 29 – September 1.
  • Gregoriadis, A., Zachopoulou, E. & Konstantinidou, E. (2011). Early childhood educators’ perceptions of creativity in education. OMEP European Conference 2011 – Perspectives on creativity and learning in Early Childhood, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 6-8, 120-128.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Gregoriadis. A., Grammatikopoulos, V. & Tsigilis, N. (2011). Parents’ quality assessments of their children’s early childhood classrooms. 14th ECERS International Workshop (Network Meeting), University of Oxford, Department of Education, UK, May 19-20.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A. & Tsangaridou, N. (2010). Enhancing preschoolers’ daily routine with extra curriculum activities (ESPEC): the parents’ perspective. OMEP XXVI World Congress, Göteborg, Sweden, August 11-13.
  • Gregoriadis, A., Tsangaridou, N., Zachopoulou, E. & Grammatikopoulos, V. (2010). Improving young children’s social skills through the implementation of a physical education program: the parents’ perspective. OMEP XXVI World Congress, Göteborg, Sweden, August 11-13.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V., Tsigilis, N. & Konstantinidou, E. (2010). Evaluation of the early childhood education in Greece. 13th ECERS International Network Meeting, Hinitsa Bay Hotel, Porto-Heli, May 30th- June 1st.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Kouli, O. & Grammatikopoulos, V. (2009). The effect of movement programs on the intrinsic motivation of preschool aged children. 12th ISSP World Congress of Sport Psychology, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 17- 21.
  • Tsangaridou, N,, Zachopoulou, E., Pickup, I. & Liukkonen, J. (2007). Social skills in preschool aged children & how PE could affect them. 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology – Sport and Exercise Psychology: Bridges between disciplines and cultures, Athos Palace, Chalkidiki, Greece, September 4 – 9.
  • Liukkonen, J., Zachopoulou, E. & Tsangaridou, N. (2007). How realistically do parents evaluate their preschool children’s socioemotional skills? 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology – Sport and Exercise Psychology: Bridges between disciplines and cultures, Athos Palace, Chalkidiki, Greece, September 4 – 9.
  • Zachopoulou, E. & Matsouka, O. (2007). Teaching healthy issues for preschoolers through movement activities. 3rd International Congress: People, sport and Health, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, April 19 – 21.
  • Zachopoulou, E. (2007). Do movements activities and games facilitate creative thinking? 17th EECERA Annual Conference – Exploring Vygotsky’s Ideas: Crossing borders, Prague, Czech Republic, August 29 – September 1.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Deli, E., Timpa, E. & Trevlas (2007). Parents’ opinions about the impact of a Physical Education Programme on their children’s healthy behaviour. 17th EECERA Annual Conference – Exploring Vygotsky’s Ideas: Crossing borders, Prague, Czech Republic, August 29 – September 1.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Konstantinidou, E. & Kioumourtzoglou, E. (2006). The effect of verbal instruction on preschool children’s motor creativity. BERA (British Educational Research Association): Annual Conference 2006, Warwick University, United Kingdom, September 6-9.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Liukkonen, J., Tsangaridou, N. & Pickup, I. (2006). Knowledge of healthy behavior in preschool aged children in five European countries. 16th Annual Conference on Quality in Early Childhood Education – EECERA, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 30 – September 2.
  • Zachopoulou, E., Konstantinidou, E., Trevlas, E. & Deli, E. (2006). ‘Early Steps’ Physical Education Curriculum : a behavioral-health curriculum for preschool aged children. 16th Annual Conference on Quality in Early Childhood Education – EECERA, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 30 – September 2.
  • Liukkonen, J., Iivonen, S., Zachopoulou, E., Tsangaridou, N. & Pickup, I. (2006). How realistically do parents evaluate their preschool children’s health behaviour and physical activity? AIESEP 2005 World Congress – The Role of Physical Education and Sport in Promoting Physical Activity and Health, Jyvaskyla, Finland, July 5-8.
  • Zachopoulou, E. (2005). An Intervention Movement Programme to Promote Creativity in Prechool Aged Children. 15th Annual Conference on Quality in Early Childhood Education – EECERA, Dublin, Ireland, August 31 – September 3.


  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A. & Zachopoulou, E. (2015). Evaluation of early childhood education environments and professional development: Current practices and implication. In O. Saracho (Eds), Contemporary Perspectives on Research in Educational Assessment and Evaluation in Early Childhood Education . Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, pp. 153 – 169.
  • Gregoriadis, A., Zachopoulou, E., Grammatikopoulos, V., Liukkonen, J., Leal, T., Gamelas, A., Pessanha, M., Barros, S., Loizou, E., Sanders Olesen, L., Henriksen, C. & Ciolan, L. (2014). Good practices in early childhood education: Looking at early educators’ perspectives in six European countries. Thessaloniki: Xristodoulidi Publishers (E-Book).
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A. & Zachopoulou, E. (2012). Acknowledging the role of motor domain in creativity in Early Childhood Education. In O. Saracho (Eds), Contemporary Perspectives in Research in Creativity in Early Childhood Education (161 – 178). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  • Grammatikopoulos, V., Gregoriadis, A. & Zachopoulou, E. (2012). ‘Chapter 5. Improving Children’s Attitudes and Awareness Toward a Healthy Lifestyle in Early Childhood: A Five-European Country Intervention Program”, John A. Sutterby, in (ed.) Early Education in a Global Context (Advances in Early Education And Day Care, Volume 16), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 109 – 126.
  • Zachopoulou E., Liukkonen J., Pickup I. & Tsagaridou N. (2010) (Eds), “Early Steps Physical Education Cirruculum: Theory and Practice for Children under 8”. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Ζαχοπούλου, Ε. & Τρεύλας, Ε. (2007). Η Φυσική Αγωγή στην αρχή του 21ου αιώνα: Προσχολική ηλικία. Θεσ/νίκη: Εκδόσεις Χριστοδουλίδη.
  • Zachopoulou E., Tsagaridou N., Pickup I., Liukkonen J. & Grammatikopoulos, V. (2007) (Eds), “Early Steps: Promoting healthy lifestyle and social interaction through physical education activities during preschool years”. Thessaloniki: Xristodoulidi Publications.

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Key staff member 1.699.435,00 €

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